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Relationships: Planets In Your Orbit

Writer: SophiaSophia

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

Astrological Approach to Legacy

A woman looking at an orbit of planets

Rolling Tides

The planet grew cooler in the future. Mother Gaia had witnessed countless battles that brought humanity to the brink of nuclear war. She decided she had enough.

She pressed her self-destruct button. 'Let them drown, suffocate and starve', she might have thought when one innocuous day Tsunamis ravaged every major coastline.

By nightfall, the waves had wiped out 2/3rds of the world's population.

In the apocalypse's aftermath, more people perished, leaving only 1 billion souls scavenging for meager resources. The world entered an odd state. The skies cleared of smog so completely that people could spot satellites floating mindlessly in space with cheap binoculars.

These galactic messengers had no waves to bounce between the comms centers anymore. They collided with each other, creating celestial firework shows. Sometimes, debris from these crashes would enter the atmosphere and fatally strike more people below.

The remnants of Eurasia and Africa merged into one landmass. The seas claimed the Americas entirely. Chaos ruled until arbitrary powers emerged. Ancient prophecies had long predicted a 'one world government,' but now it became the only logical solution.

The new powers crushed turbulent voices before they could speak. A council of ordinary people who had never known power elected seven leaders.

100 years later.

The planet emerged from its decades-long nightmare. Lush green forests sprouted everywhere.

Sweet-smelling air filled every breath. Clean streams teemed with fish. Animals made their presence known from their caves.

But nature, following its dharma, had grown clever. Multi-colored poisonous fish filled the waters. Dangerous animals roamed the land. People could only eat what they foraged in woods or grew in their backyards.

Human biology transformed as well. Nature took away one sensory organ from each person. Your neighbor might be deaf, blind, mute, missing their sense of smell, or unable to feel touch.

To balance this divine intervention, humans developed extraordinary abilities. Some read thoughts, while others traveled through space-time.

The zodiac sign scholars who peered into space-time made a striking astronomical prediction. They observed that the dwarf planet Sedna had fully entered Gemini while reaching its closest point to Earth. Ancient texts spoke of Sedna's 11,400-year cycle, when it approached Earth to reset civilization. This celestial dance marked the end of each astrological age.

The Age of Aquarius had dawned.

Society transformed into a different creature. As human consciousness expanded, minds learned to command nature and technology as one. People rebuilt communication towers and reconnected satellites.

Some minds didn't need satellites. The Internet returned. Production resumed minimally. Each household received one house, one computer, one bicycle, a backyard farm, and the ability to trade with neighbors.

Everyone could have seven friends.

This limitation maintained nature's perfect harmony. Through divine orchestration, Darwin's natural selection wove itself into every social network. Each group contained one deaf, blind, mute, numb, hyposmic, mind-reader, and time traveler member. The government had expected similar people to group together, but fate had other plans.

200 years later.

New candidates replaced the original seven leaders who had passed away. Sensory diversity enriched the government. These diverse groups accomplished miracles as one unit.

They created sound-frequency inventions, temperature-controlled baby prams, and self-healing modalities. Astral travel flourished.

They kept production minimal, forcing people to develop their right brains. People grew new senses through their life purpose. This meant one thing: secrecy became obsolete. Privacy disappeared when everyone could read others like books.

No one rose to power, and no one fell. People worked little, yet everyone received care. Peace prevailed. Sedna might have claimed her revenge, but Mother Gaia had won.

300 years later.

Church bells jolted Maria awake one morning. She stumbled from bed and peered out her window.

Through centuries of flood, fire, and hail, one ugly building had survived. No one prayed anymore, yet the community hadn't demolished it. Sometimes, storms made the bells ring on their own. Lightning charged through the clouds.

Maria switched off the church in her brain and replaced it with music. She scanned her house energetically for others. Maria was different. She possessed all disabilities and powers in one body.

A freak.

Finding no one home, she wondered if her family had gone to the beach. Today marked Sedna's Grand Festival, when locals gathered to honor the Goddess of Revenge.

Maria disliked that name. People celebrated the Goddess with a festive event. They brought food from their gardens, lit bonfires, played music, and swam in the ocean.

The divine story of Sedna held deep sadness. Millennia ago, Sedna's father had married her to a man who promised to care for her. The man betrayed Sedna. When her father tried to rescue her by boat, a violent storm struck.

Unable to keep them both afloat, her father cut off Sedna's fingers as she tried to climb aboard. Sedna and her severed fingers sank to the ocean floor.

There, she discovered her cosmic purpose. She commanded the currents and sea life. She withheld fish from disrespectful fishermen. Every 11,400 years, she raised the oceans to cleanse humanity.

This earned her the name Sedna.

Sedna visited Maria's dreams constantly. She appeared as a lone, cold, arid soul with the longest galactic orbit known. In the infinite black space far from our Sun, Sedna whispered to Maria as if seeking help. These whispers often ended in screams that woke Maria.

Maria dressed and walked to the beach. As she approached the celebration, she sensed people turning toward her. No one needed to whisper secrets anymore - that practice had died.

Maria always knew others' thoughts. She found her family preparing to dive at the pier. Her father, mother, and brother lived as 'normal' community members.

They struggled to hide their discomfort with Maria's differences, and she loved them for trying. She buried her own discomfort too, better than most.

Maria joined them and put on her wetsuit and mask. The dive honored Sedna's story. She had attempted it once last year, splashing briefly before retreating.

Her family's disappointment remained unspoken. This year, she committed to trying harder. A banner by the pier proclaimed, 'When you're falling, dive!'

Maria sighed, took deep breaths, and plunged.

Ice-cold water embraced her despite the scorching sun. Her family dove gracefully beside her as she twirled underwater. She let gravity pull her down while they swam alongside.

Sunlight faded as darkness grew. Rare fish species crossed their path. They huddled together as a massive swordfish chased sparkly trout beneath them.

They shared excited giggles as they descended further. Darkness enveloped them completely. They switched on headlights, knowing they had reached unprecedented depths.

A few meters below waited a ridge. The shifting landmasses 300 years ago had created a new fault line. Beyond the ridge lay deadly ocean and frequent volcanic eruptions. They floated above the bottomless crack.

Maria's mother shared her thoughts.

Before they could turn back toward the beach celebration, tragedy struck. This deep underwater, Maria didn't sense her mother sneaking behind to unhook her oxygen tank. Her family retreated to safety while her mother removed Maria's air supply, leaving her twisting helplessly.

As air left her lungs, Maria sank into the ridge. While dropping, eyes bulging, she remembered Sedna's words: 'When you're falling, dive!'

That ended Maria's story.

Maria died. Her family emerged from the ocean appearing devastated by their loss. The community grieved briefly but moved forward. They knew anomalies like Maria marked rapid evolution's cost, and they prepared for the next one.

1000 years later.

A new species emerged - the Homo Luminous - possessing powers beyond Maria's. These beings held more photonic light in their bodies. Their DNA contained more active strands.

They mastered teleportation, galactic travel, and instant communication with other worlds. They controlled their brain waves at will, eliminating the need for sleep.

Sunlight supercharged them, and their thoughts altered physical reality. People lived 300 years. No one worked for survival anymore. Everything became a simple energy exchange.

Until one day.

Despite their infinite power, no one predicted the light's afternoon disappearance. Without cloud cover to explain it, a ring of fire formed in the sky.

An eclipse had begun. People waited for it to pass. Hours turned to days. Nothing changed. The fiery ring stayed fixed around the sun.

Months passed.

Brief chaos erupted, but these evolved beings chose a different response. They employed all their technology seeking answers but found none.

Years elapsed.

Centuries of evolution began unraveling without sunlight. Their luminosity dimmed. Bodies grew denser. Mental communication slowed. Unexpected deaths occurred despite their usual longevity.

Panic rose slowly. No one had prepared for this. Within fifty years, humanity vanished.

Except one.

When the eclipse finally dispersed, a lone survivor emerged from the ocean. This young woman, Lila, had just lost her mother at 112 years old. Her mother had devoted her life to studying the deepest point in the ocean - the infamous El Maria Fault Ridge.

She had conducted research at the underwater station for decades. Lila's birth had occurred in a submarine. But Lila possessed no powers. She remained as ordinary as humanity's ancestors.

A freak.

Growing up isolated from civilization, Lila's reality centered on a recurring dream. In it, a distant planet whispered in her ear, ending in screams. She saw a young woman sink forever into ocean depths. A great eclipse drained her mother's life force, leaving Lila completely alone.

These women shared a connection. As Lila settled on land, she discovered a world empty of people like herself or her mother. Only the planets in our solar system surrounded her. Somehow, she needed to learn to coexist with them.

Our Relationship to the Planets

During 3000 BC, temples taught the ancient wisdom of the Vedas to every 12-year-old child. These weren't places of prayer, but institutions of higher learning and healing. The Vedas offered guidance on all aspects of life, from daily routines to major life decisions.

For thousands of years, our ancestors understood the importance of decoding celestial mysteries. They built their life purpose upon that foundation.

'What is Within is Without.' As the stars moved, so did humanity. We orbit what orbits us, and they circle something greater still. Astrology combines divinity with astronomical precision in studying space-time.

The creator left us a cosmic design to track. Among all this galactic data, I return to the basics. Our ancestors knew that two about creating legacy: meaningful relationships and bonfire stories.

Want to decode your relationship patterns and create a legacy? Book a Vedic Astrology Reading today!

A woman looking at an orbit of planets

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