Masters of Destiny

Bull's Eye
Location: 10.00 - 23.20 of Taurus
Rohini is known as the Red One. Posited at the head of the constellation of Taurus, the red hue of Aldebaran shines bright in the night sky. Therefore known as the Bull's Eye.
In Vedic history, Rohini was the youngest of all the 27 nakshatras and the moon's most favorite wife. She was despised by Jyeshta, who didn't like Rohini getting all this attention from the moon.
In real-time, the moon is seen to be transiting the longest in Rohini's part of the sky. And hence the story holds true about Moon's favorite pastime.
Fame and Significance
First things first, Rohini is a Taurian nakshatra. The deity of this star cluster is Brahma, the creator himself. So these natives are potent with the power to manifest anything they desire.
Why is Rohini so famous?
Natives of this nakshatra can become inventors in fields that no one dares to venture into. This can be especially true for fields that make money. In Vedic texts, Rohini is the most attractive of all constellations. These natives can attract jealousy, enmity and resentment if they are not careful.
Humility is their only salvation.
This is where the eternal debate of free-will vs fate becomes fun. Because when you look closer at Rohini, curiosity grabs hold of you and doesn't let go.
Brahma's Controversial History
But Brahma's history is a little bit dubious. As lore goes, it is said that without anyone else in the universe to mate with, Brahma fell in love with his own offspring. The child refused Brahma's advances and so the creator had to change his ways.
He was then forced to take the fiery form of Rudra who howled loudly into space. The reverberations from his scream created beings with the ability to manifest other beings.
And so, this is the most materially-driven constellation in existence. Yet, with such a forceful beginning, the true motive of this nakshatra is moksha.
So a native might use the power of Maya to get out of Maya. Sounds complex? It isn't really. Have you ever thrown money at a problem to escape it?
The other bit of irony about Rohini is that she never had children, and yet she is ruled by the Moon; a male deity that represents the female fertility. Most natives with the appropriate combinations within the chart are able to swing through the milestone of childbirth.
But, if afflicted there are some who can have difficulty conceiving at all. This is the nature of creation and liberation in conflict. Generally speaking, some innovation is required to resolve the matter - IVF, surrogacy, fostering are all great alternatives if the native is willing.
Symbolism and Career Potential
Rohini's symbol is a Chariot and in Vedic texts, this constellation is also connected with the Banyan Tree, the granter of boons. The chariot symbolises travel, luxury, status, and power.
Natives can have glamorous careers in digital media, marketing, food blogging, fashion, jewellery, etc. Peak into their basements and these are your typical hoarders of antique cars. Such are the likes of such people.
Illusion and Relationship Challenges
But we live in an illusion of Maya. Material comforts go only so far to make one happy. And what is happiness in the end? The Moon's constantly seeking nature can lead to enormous dissatisfaction with one's life. Existential and mid-life crises are commonly seen. That's when things can get a bit dark.
The combination of Venus and Moon makes these natives highly sexual people. If not careful, their frustrations can find inappropriate releases. Excessive masturbation, cheating on long-held relationships, gambling, eating disorders, over-possessive and compulsive behaviors and exorbitant spending on oneself can take on dangerous undertones.
Relationships for these natives can never satisfy. Frog-leaping from one to another brings only chaos and misery. What the natives fail to understand is that Maya is a boundary created by nature for the enjoyment of the divine. It's eternally transient. Not attaching to any of it is where security and belonging really come from.
The only remedy for these natives is 'restraint'. Sadhana can help bring detachment. Ironic yes, but when they understand this paradox within our the universe, they master their destinies better than anyone.
The Secrets of Aldebaran
Facilitators of creation are natural protectors. Starseeds from Aldebaran have been assisting their Plaedian sisters for centuries in the care and preservation of this planet. This star is only 65 light years away from Earth and a well-known platform for intergalactic travel.
Nearing the Age of Aquarius, we are seeing a rise of Aldebaran alignments in many birth charts. They are here to awaken others by guiding them into ancestral healing.
However, Earth shares a complex history with these beings, who are descendants of Lyran refugees and are linked to the Royal Gods of Mesopotamia, also known as the Annunaki.
The Annunaki are giant humanoid beings who forcefully seeded Earth with their DNA. We are not their greatest fans, but such can be the nature of creation.
This alignment can really test the integrity of natives at various points in life. Quickly rising in wealth and leadership, these beings can be triggered into following the path of their dark history. The trick is to find better influences and quickly too.
Physical and Relational Characteristics
Natives of this star have slender physiques and soft features that are very easy on the eyes. Because they are 9th dimensional, highly vibrational beings, they can have a magnetism that attracts people to them without much effort. Relationships are extremely important to them.
They like an equal emotional exchange within their long-held relationships. Abandonment is like death to them.
The ruling planet, the Moon, softens the nature of the natives. They care deeply for their families, home and live indulgent lives. Due to such a material focus in life, natives of this star will do well to visit Devi temples. The more they connect with their divine feminine energy, they will align with their life purpose. But remember, this is a Taurian nakshatra represented by the Bull. Do not assume their softness for weakness, because it'll be the last thing you do.
Rohini is a repetitive energy that is created from creation itself. Brahma was created from Shiva, who then became a creator in his own right. Thus, the rich get richer. Knowledge when shared multiples. Bliss expands when given. What you do with this power is the real question.
Life Journey and Self-Discovery
Natives of this constellation are known to have more challenges in the early part of their lives. Because once enough resources are amassed, life can start to flow. Although this blessing can also turn against them.
Rohini natives find it hard to find direction in the beginning. The best way to discover their hidden path in life is to follow their Moon placement in the birth chart. This is where their mind is, and by extension this is where they will find their heart.
Once natives marry material comfort and divinity in a neat little ceremony, no one can stop them from having it all!
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Astrology Insights, Ancient Wisdom, Galactic Readings, Vedic Astrology, Galactic Astrology, Dharma, Divine, Life Purpose, Indian Astrology, Jyotish, Lunar Cycles, Moon, Kundali, Prediction, Relationship, Marriage, Love, Career, Health, Karma, Auspicious, Nakshatra, Vedas, Zodiac Signs, Astronomy, Starseeds, Lightworker, Free birth chart, Free Astrological chart, Healing, Sun, Moon, Spirituality