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Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Souls from Markab

Writer: SophiaSophia

Updated: Feb 20

Time Stares Back At You

Two men staring at each other amidst lightening strike

Unbridled Fire

Location: 20.00 of Aquarius - 03.20 of Pisces

Years ago, the James Webb telescope captured an image of the universe that puzzled scientists. Upon decoding the image, they discovered that the lens had captured both old and new galaxies in space. This perplexed them, as the expanding universe should have revealed only newer galaxies.

Baffled by this discovery, scientists concluded that infinity was up for debate.

In simpler terms, we were looking back in time, observing galaxies that seemingly had no business being there.

The Paradox of Existence

This phenomenon embodies the essence of a Purva Bhadrapada native, symbolized by a two-faced man simultaneously gazing forward and backward.

Purva Bhadrapada is arguably the most misunderstood nakshatra in existence.

This misunderstanding stems from the inability to categorize these natives, who often struggle to understand themselves. They neither win nor lose, existing in a state of paradoxical non-existence while being alive.

Symbolic Imagery and Cosmic Reduction

Purva Bhadrapada is symbolized by the front legs of a funeral cot and the sacrificial fire. While this imagery may seem grim, decoding this nakshatra is akin to gazing into the naked universe. It is here that the human ego is reduced to fine dust.

Moreover, natives of this nakshatra have the ability to burn others' egos by creating mirror images of them—but more on this later.

Blessed with Jupiter's intellect and their deity a one-footed dragon God or a Dragon's Kundalini power, these natives can access a person's akashic records, observing their lives as points on a graph. Before you've even greeted them, they've already figured you out. But, don't think of this as an invasion of privacy.

Being born under this nakshatra is no easy feat, as we'll soon discover. This phenomenon aligns with the spiritual Law of One.

You encounter only those individuals with whom you have unfinished business.

The Sacrificial Purpose

A Purva Bhadrapada native incarnated on this planet to sacrifice.

As the final nakshatra before the cosmic needle ticks into the universal oceans of Pisces, it serves as a bridge between the material and spiritual realms. These natives bear the weighty responsibility of manifesting all their desires, serving humanity, and then immolating all their possessions on the sacrificial altar before swiftly disappearing into liberation.

Consequently, these natives lead intense lives. They have no patience for superficiality. They love deeply, but their losses hit them harder. Yet, they always find a way forward. Within them burns the seed of the densest singularity, causing them to perceive life as a simulation—a perspective that, while potentially miserable, will endure the test of time.

The Early Life Challenges

The early years of their lives are often fraught with discomfort. By adulthood, these natives have typically experienced either immense grief or fame—or a wild combination of both, which can be worse.

The ultimate goal is to align them which later becomes their superpower - self-awareness.

They understand something that others don't. They possess the ability to perceive both past and future simultaneously. They understand that fear, hope, good, and bad are merely constructs. We enter this lifetime to play roles, exchange energetic currency, and depart for our next performance.

This understanding makes them the wisest among all in their relationships. They make for excellent scientists and astrologers.

If you engage with a native of this nakshatra, beware. Just when you believe you've grasped their essence, they morph into something else, like an ever-changing Rubik's cube. They will frustrate, excite, and transform you in unimaginable ways.

The Mirror of Self

What they're truly doing is creating a mirror image of you. As you get to know them, you'll realize that you're looking back at yourself. Their ultimate desire is to see themselves reflected through you.

When you see your ego reflected back at you, you'll either love it or hate it. They can do this because they can empty themselves sufficiently to live the lives of anyone they choose. With exceptionally sharp memories, they become you—that's how they know you. And that's how they know themselves. Consequently, they can experience countless lifetimes in one.

Prisoners of Time

Ruled by Jupiter and lorded by Aja Ekapada—the one-footed Dragon God—this represents the most formidable incarnation of a soul on Earth. They are here to balance the scales of karma on one foot alone. Rahu plays a crucial role in their evolution, twisting the simulation to the will of the Galactic Center.


We are all prisoners of time, after all.

Therefore, learning about the shadow side of everything becomes the moral obligation of this native. Here, Jupiter and the Dragon (Rahu/Ketu) join forces, raging across our solar system and burning everything in their path.

Bridging Planes of Existence

Like fusing metals, they bridge the material and spiritual planes together. Natives are also drawn to fire and do not view death as a final destination. Curiously, fire rituals or cemeteries evoke feelings of home within them.

This is what makes them formidable.

Can you negotiate with someone with nothing to lose?

They enter your life like a lightning strike to a field. But this energy is all-encompassing. Lightning interacts with water, air, earth and ether to create a charge of immense Kundalini shakti that strikes the planet.

Career and Intellectual Prowess

Consequently, they can excel in any career that captures their interest. Utilizing the full potential of their left and right brains, they quickly learn the quirks in the system dismantling them within days. Then they move on to the next thing.

They bore easily.

This is also where their struggles begin. You can never know what they are thinking. They are unpredictable and consistency is something they would do well to develop within themselves. Unfortunately for them, they are still 'alive.' The curse of needing an identity in the 3D plane leads them into tricky places.

Subconsciously, they seek out individuals with big egos, which eventually turns against them, forcing them to scramble to establish boundaries.

Once they become self-assured, they can amass great wealth and recognition. However, they prefer to keep their gains quiet. These are your secret millionaires or authors of legacy novels from obscure islands. They may have large families, multiple homes and an insatiable appetite for Jupiterian travel. They could be sages in Himalayan caves, vibrating on dimensions invisible to the naked eye.

From the shrewdest businessmen to religious fanatics, they all coexist under the spectrum of Purva Bhadrapada.

The Energetic Dynamics

They navigate this plane as needed, making themselves visible for a cause before withdrawing their energy. Their energy is destructive, yet people in their orbits crave them intensely when they're gone.

Because this native was their only taste of true spiritual wilderness.

Eventually, all that is earned is freely given away or burned as if it never existed. Have you heard stories of people abandoning their life's work to live in remote villages?

This is the authentic expression of the wild Aquarian becoming a reclusive Piscean.

The Secrets of Markab

Soaring through the cosmic tapestry is Pegasus, the winged horse of Greek mythology, eternally immortalized among the stars. At the heart of this grand constellation lies a gem - Markab, also known as Alpha Pegasi.

Despite its prestigious 'Alpha' designation, Markab plays the role of the humble third wheel in Pegasus' stellar lineup. It's outshone by its celestial siblings, Enif and Scheat, yet it holds its own with a respectable brightness that catches the eye of stargazers worldwide.

But Markab is more than just a point of light in a stellar connect-the-dots. This star blazes at a staggering 9,765 Kelvin, a temperature that would make even the Sun break a sweat.

The Protective Mechanism

Yet, despite its fiery nature, Markab maintains an air of mystery. It sits at a distance of 133 light years from Earth - close enough to be visible to the naked eye, yet far enough to remind us of the vast, unexplored depths of space that lie beyond.

Natives of this star consume to be consumed. After encountering some difficult experiences which leave them more confused than ever, they develop hard shells as protection. And like black holes, no one can see the singularity anymore. They project everything back at you as is.

This is where they can be cruel, and they are finally the ones laughing.

The Transformation of Perception

These natives crave the divine like addicts crave heroin. They are homesick. They'll jump into the funeral pyre headfirst should it relieve them of their misery. They know they are masters of universes much grander than this one.

In earlier years when they are quietly hurting, they would rather watch the world burn as they do on the inside. But as they transition into their Piscean selves, they realize something remarkable.

The world was never broken in the first place.

Humanity doesn't need fixing. Time on higher planes does not exist. Space-time converges on itself so you are able to see galaxies from the onset of the big bang. So, these beings extract just enough information, exchange just enough energy to balance the cosmic scales.

And once they have figured out the secrets of time, it humbles them. Also, it gets rather boring to play with.

What else have you got?

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Astrology Insights, Ancient Wisdom, Galactic Readings, Vedic Astrology, Galactic Astrology, Dharma, Divine, Life Purpose, Indian Astrology, Jyotish, Lunar Cycles, Moon, Kundali, Prediction, Relationship, Marriage, Love, Career, Health, Karma, Auspicious, Nakshatra, Vedas, Zodiac Signs, Astronomy, Starseeds, Lightworker, Free birth chart, Free Astrological chart, Healing, Sun, Moon, Spirituality

Two men staring at each other amidst lightening strike

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