The Beginning of the End

Ruled by Mars, Puppeted by Ketu
Location: 00.00 - 13.20 of Aries
In the beginning of the universe's creation, only sound existed. Dark and light emerged as a function of sound vibration. Someone roared loud enough for the vibrations to organize themselves into what we understand of our universe today.
Every culture in the world has a version of this God who roared. In the Hindu Sanatan Dharma, they call this Lord Rudra, with variations following through the seasons as Rama. In the Egyptian and Lemurian mythologies, they worshiped a deity called Ra and Ar-ra. Many such examples exist.
It was natural to start the zodiac of our solar system with the symbolism of the Ram of Aries, ruled by Mars, and the first nakshatra within Aries was the fixed star Sheratan. Ketu, the South Node of the Moon's orbit, lords this nakshatra.
But stories are just that. Creations within someone's mind. In this case, Rudra's mind.
When sound energies organized themselves into a fully functioning structures that could hold many souls to simulate in the canvas of 3D reality, clusters of families started to emerge as a self-governing system. The Milky Way became a unit of souls, localized and tied to one such entity.
The Galactic Center is a supermassive black hole. It's also a projector. Just like the one you have in a movie theatre. Contained within the GC are variables of data that govern the physics of our galaxy, projected out into space-time as manifested particles of matter.
Ketu's Nakshatras and Eclipses
Ashwini in Aries, Magha in Leo, and Mula in Sagittarius are tightly linked with the South Node of the Moon, Ketu.
Rajasic in nature, it wants to experience reality. In mythology, Ketu is a headless body; he is a great facilitator of Creation and Liberation where the story begins and collapses. While Rahu is the facilitator of the Great Illusion, where the fun continues.
When the Sun and Moon eclipse in space-time by Ketu and Rahu, something remarkable happens. The energies on Earth shift by several degrees and a new cycle of energies clicks into gear, initiating a brand new timeline of events.
The Roots of Creation
While Rahu (North Node) is the significator of the great unknown, Ketu is the root of all creation. From where everything begins and grows. This is the Galactic Center's personification within our Solar System, from where there is no escape.
The Ashwini Nakshatra is the very first of this evolutionary zodiac belt. The stars within this nakshatra are ruled by Mars, but Ketu is the mastermind. The fixed star in this system is Sheratan. Many souls from Sheratan have incarnated into Gaia to share their journeys with us.
The ruling deities governing this powerful fixed star are the 'Ashwini Kumars'. They are horse beings who are known for their healing powers and are known as the physicians to the Gods themselves.
The mythology goes like this: Our Sun fell in love with its shadow, Chaya. Every time it got too close to Chaya, she disappeared. So the Sun pursued her into the forests where there was ample shade, and they birthed together the Ashwini Kumars.
Born from the energies of light and dark, the natives of this nakshatra are rather powerful, energetic beings. Back on Earth, they are also lorded by Ganesha and Brahma, who are the dispositors of knowledge of all creation within the universe. Ashwin Kumars can heal anyone, bring back the dead, and cure impotency. They like to initiate, and lead.
Personality Traits and Professional Calling
Incredibly equestrian in design, they exhibit their characters early on in life. Ashwini natives like to race into open fields and take hairpin bends at breakneck speeds without so much as breaking a sweat. Yes, they can be impulsive, but they are acutely aware of risk and can also save people from burning buildings by jumping headfirst into the fire.
With immense sexual appeal, fit bodies, a charismatic albeit naïve charm, they project an image of instant attraction. They have a great sense of humor. After all, even the Gods claim that creation is one big cosmic joke. So you might as well pick a side.
But as initiators of the zodiac they take their roles seriously when called upon. They seek to be unique in their chosen fields and have a thirst to prove themselves.
Medicine, nursing, ayurvedic and energy healing are tools of the trade. They can often have overflowing medicine cabinets in their homes. Healers and hypochondriacs are often friendly.
Can you guess why?
Early Life Challenges
The first 7 years of an Ashwini native's life are often dissatisfactory. In true Ketu fashion, they are disconnected from their social groups and feel like misfits. From the fear of being undiscovered they easily reveal their inner selves, and often realise the pitfalls of befriending unworthy listeners.
Sun is exalted in this nakshatra.
The Sun had mated with its own shadow. So, the first symbols of creation are marked by youthfulness, attractiveness, and ego. But Ketu's fire is pure. Like children, they too are pure.
So the Ashwini Kumars may be skilled physicians and yet they need guidance on their paths.
Courage and Transformation
One might say that the Ashwins are courageous. Others might say they are naive. But fearlessness has its place. They can become pioneers of avenues no one will dare venture into. This is Ketu's inner resources and Mars's strength that makes them reckless.
Remember, Ashwini natives are born from the tumultuous storms between the infinite waters of Pisces into the raging fire of Aries. Like a volcano erupting all the way to the surface from the Marianas Trench. Be sure, the lava forms new lands when it cools.
When charging headfirst, the native often burns out quickly, transforms, and starts again. The transformation is recurring with abrupt beginnings. They are direct in their approach, and their straight talk can sometimes get them in trouble. So the souls MUST be one step ahead of everyone. Should they fail, passivity and restraint are not options. Although, diplomacy and caution is recommended.
Start-up entrepreneurs, pioneers in bio-medicine, doctors without borders, aged care-givers, natural healers, and adventurers of all sorts are born under the influence of the Sheratan star.
The Secrets of Sheratan
Ketu and Mars are the biggest held secrets of the Ashwinis. If you understand their combined purpose, you can master this Nakshatra in your chart.
I have written much about Ketu's story in the beginning of this article, but there is an infinite amount yet to be explored. Just like the singularity of the black hole, it's the most mysterious entity in our solar system.
Ketu in the Natal Chart
However, in your natal chart, Ketu's placement can represent your past karmas, ancestral heritage, and the information coded into your DNA. Locally, it's your maternal grandfather, and Ketu's central home iis in your 12th house of liberation.
Ketu also represents cuts, surgeries, and flags. It cuts you out of the material world, heals you, and represents all that you have accomplished in your past lives. Its placement within the natal chart will ultimately decide if the native can become a true healer. However, Ketu never settles for mediocrity and will push the native to its highest potential in one lifetime alone.
Understanding Mars
Mars is the General of the army, led by the Sun who is the King of this solar system. Mars is a local hero. It initiates, leads you into wars, fights to stay alive, and wins battles for the kingdom.
It's also pure-hearted, a celibate, and a vegetarian. He's a killer with principles. He takes lives to defend others. Locally, it's your siblings, but because Mars rules the natural 1st and 8th houses of the original zodiac, it deals with births and deaths.
Spiritual Approach
Natives born under the Ashwini influence have a masculine approach to spirituality and healing. They are outward focused, so healing is projected into the material world. They serve others, but their beginnings are often selfish. But when they fall from that dream, their spiritual journey begins.
We absolutely need the Ashwin Kumars. An end without a beginning makes no sense. Finding the true value of this nakshatra in your chart may just save you.
Welcome to the beginning of the human journey!
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Astrology Insights, Ancient Wisdom, Galactic Readings, Vedic Astrology, Galactic Astrology, Dharma, Divine, Life Purpose, Indian Astrology, Jyotish, Lunar Cycles, Moon, Kundali, Prediction, Relationship, Marriage, Love, Career, Health, Karma, Auspicious, Nakshatra, Vedas, Zodiac Signs, Astronomy, Starseeds, Lightworker, Free birth chart, Free Astrological chart, Healing, Sun, Moon, Spirituality