The Serpent’s Embrace

Kundalini Rising
Location: 16.40 - 30.00 of Cancer
Every zodiac, no matter how benevolent at first, has a shadow. Ashlesha means the hypnotic embrace. This nakshatra is primarily located at Hydra's head.
The symbol is the serpent, and the deities are the Nagas, who are a cult group in India often known to be working with tantric spiritual practices of controversial natures.
Hydra is called the twiner, the clinging star, the coil, the strands of DNA, and the Kundalini life force. As this origin carries the most primal forces representing the sacral chakra of the world, at Lake Titicaca, Peru.
This star system is also deeply connected to the direct soul genetic lineages of Mary Magdalene, the Pagan families around the world, and underground ISIS temples left all over France.
Extreme Energies and Characteristics
Natives from this constellation deal with energies of extremes. Because the snake is the highest expression of kundalini shakti and this power is as explosive as the atomic bomb.
So anything that is ever spoken of in extremes brings in negative connotations too.
This nakshatra is ruled by Mercury.
So, Ashlesha deals with the practical aspects of life. Mercury demands it.
Personality Traits and Capabilities
Natives can be shape-shifters, ever changing into versions that can charm and hypnotize you. They have intense, piercing eyes with the ability to capture hidden aspects of your soul. They do not like being criticized, else they lash out in unexpected ways.
But their business acumen is exemplary. Combined with a high sex drive and magnetism, they often succeed in whatever they put their minds to.
Difficulty arises when they are hurt.
Have you ever wondered that even though Mercury is debilitated in Pisces (a water sign), it governs all water-led nakshatras like Ashlesha (Cancer), Jyeshta (Scorpio) and Revati (Pisces)?
Also, in the Kaap Purush Kundali, the 3rd house is ruled by Mercury. This is the birth of everything that dies in the 8th house of Scorpio. Because the 3rd house is 8th from the 8th in the zodiacal wheel.
And so, a cycle of death and rebirth ensues.
Spiritual and Psychological Dimensions
When you are between a rock and a hard place, Mercury is the only planet with the ability to connect you with the higher mind of God. And do not mistake God for someone benevolent.
This nakshatra teaches you lessons that you cannot escape from. Natives can be great writers, black-magic practitioners and astrologers. Channelling their hurts into healing modalities will control their emotional bodies. Because there is no doubt that they will be hurt... and a lot.
The success of these natives, however, comes from only sharing their knowledge sparingly. Nagas are sneaky beings.
Did you know that most snakes are not poisonous? However, people die from the shock of the bite anyway. The impression of pain kills. They understand that one can accomplish their goals without spilling unnecessary poison.
This is kundalini energy at it's deadliest.
Spiritual Essence and Motivations
Nagas are well known to be the deities of the underworld. They rule the lower planes and live in pitch blackness. Their purpose is dharma.
They are motivated by kundalini energy which is like a coiled serpent-like power that is dormant at the base of the spine of every human alive on planet Earth. Just like Devi Shakti herself, they want control over all material elements on Earth.
With a sharp intellect and inherent inner wisdom, the natives are competent, charming and full of vitality. The house placement of this nakshatra will determine the quality of transformation a native will endure in this lifetime.
Ashleshans can hypnotize. Perhaps not literally in everyday life. But the snake is a deeply sensual being, and if it wants, it can hug you into a death-grip. In the process they will shed their skins.
Mercury also rules the skin. But negativity projected outward comes first from the inside. Poor mental health can lead to difficult manifestations of their physical health also.
Professional and Ethical Challenges
However, they make for great healers, counselors, doctors, gurus, and mystics. But if not careful, anything good can be made bad. Shortcuts and unethical practices often come easily to them.
Their mercurial nature makes them opportunistic, so they can be deceptive. Illicit affairs, powerplays and compromising situations dominate the stories of this nakshatra.
But it's not why you think.
Snakes only lash out under threat. The loss of control of their own lives makes them vulnerable and so they armor themselves with a cold and detached attitude. Their previous lives were about selfless giving. In this lifetime, they are careful of people's intentions. This makes them vulnerable and they are often in need of emotional support.
Relationship Dynamics
Attraction and discarding of people can be seen also. Because the Moon in Ashlesha is rather powerful. Combine the power of ever-changing moods with kundalini power and what do you assume would happen?
These natives are the heartbreakers of the modern age.
But if the tables were turned they can be possessive and viscous. Vindictiveness follows suit quickly. And so these natives have secretive inner lives that are hard to uncover.
They can face inner dilemmas and have self-destructive tendencies. Addictions, anxiety and depression emerge as a result. But here's the twist. This being a dharmic nakshatra, their intentions however are truly good.
Although, have you heard of the saying, 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions'?
Transformative Potential
Natives can induce fear in people without even trying. Mercurial nakshatras are by design required for you to look inward. If natives recognize their power of intention and use them for good, somehow their self-destructive tendencies dissipate and all starts to fall into place.
Just like the coiled snake, life seems to coil in circles for them. Repeating patterns emerge till they can start to let go of their death-grips.
By learning to thrive in repeating challenges, this lifetime is for them to become the breaker of chains.
The Secrets of Hydra
Serpents are present in every creation mythology across the globe. The main star of Hydra is Alphard and it is a profound place of spiritual evolution. On Earth there seems to be a consistent serpent race genealogy that is the basis of all myths.
In the Old Testament in the Bible, the garden of Eden and the serpent is one of notice. The tree of life, which is a living Kathara grid, is holographically fluid in the molecular genetic DNA encoding of the human body and planet, and has a serpent sliding up it.
The Sumerian creation story of Tiamat, the primordial goddess of the sea, and her offspring were the snake and dragon. Enki later kills Anne who creates heaven and Earth. African and Australian creation tales revolve around the rainbow snake and how this Earth was the playground for all life forms.
Mythological and Historical Connections
At a sacred mysterious megalithic site, called serpent temple at Santiago de Ojje, in Bolivia, eight snakeheads all point South. One of the main snakeheads is burned in half where the native lore says the snake is the place where sacred fire perpetually burns.
This would leave profound akashic clues to lifetimes and existences as Inca, Mayan, Aztec, and Hindu. Indian cultures, of course, have many stories depicting the snake as Gaia's life force energy, causing volcanoes and earthquakes. Shiva has a cobra around his neck.
Sounds like a lot. But...
Emotional Complexity and Misunderstandings
Grand creation origins aside, here on Earth did you know that a Hydran native is often confused by their emotions? Moon and Mercury combination leads to a grinding mix of energies for them.
At times, a creator's love is confusing too. Just like postpartum depression when the bond between mother and child is challenging, all she wants is to get away from her baby. We all know it's a play of chemicals in the brain. No mother actually wants this.
And so, Hydrans are misunderstood creatures.
Societal Taboos and Hidden Instincts
Sex being such a big aspect of creation and kundalini, on the Earth plane is considered taboo. Movies can show decapitations and bludgeonings galore, but sex is still discussed in hushed tones in writers rooms. So, the natives hide their basest instincts lest they be judged.
That's why, just like a snake is drawn out of its wicker basket, Hydrans want is to draw people to them. Often their success on Earth is guaranteed. Krishna himself was drawn. No... he was puppeted by his Gopis.
That's the power of this nakshatra.
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