Dark Night Before the Light
The Howler Rears his Head
Location: 06.40 - 20.00 of Gemini
Many eons ago, when Brahma, the creator, was unable to conceive children, he was forced to transform into something else. Something that was undefeated by mere biology. Something that could not only self-create but also self-destruct. Who would mess with this being?
He became Lord Rudra, the Howler himself.
Remember reading in an old textbook that the world was created with a bang? With an explosion, Rudra split himself into 11 forms to populate the universe as we know it. He simply howled, and the universe manifested.
The first remnants of creation came from a violent force of opposing forces that held everything together. The positive collided with the negative. Male and female copulated. Matter and antimatter bounced off each other. Thus, emerged space-time where energy and dark energy were free to dance till the end of existence.
Creation as a Cosmic Symphony
All texts, scientific or spiritual, say the same things. The big explosion led to a reverberation of energies that continue to expand even today, which we know as the observable universe.
This reverberation is simply sound vibrations arranging themselves into manifested space.
All creation is just a play of sounds reverberating throughout the cosmos. A divine mixed tape that plays endlessly, rising and falling in rhythms unconceivable to the human ear. It's as if planets, stars, humanity are simply beats in the vast expanse of one long jazz song.
Power of Mantra
In the Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna says the quickest and most potent way to enlightenment is the practice of Mantra Japa. Nada yoga is a science of consecrated sounds that can be used for many things - healing, peace and even war. But really, it's the science of creation. So if you chanted certain words correctly, they hold the power to fast track your alignment with the divine source.
Does this mean we too are able to howl into the night?
Betelgeuse is a powerful star located on the shoulder of Orion. It is said to be the Howler's abode. This star promises many things; among which are success, power and strength. But when have great things been free of cost? Tragedy is the hallmark of this nakshatra. And that is not all.
Nature of Ardra Nakshatra
Ardra is the nakshatra of destruction. It's symbolised by a tear drop and known as the storm bringer. The ruling deity, Rudra is the fiery form of Lord Shiva. Which in itself is a great mystery. Because Lord Shiva, the ultimate divine source is rarely bothered out of his state of Samadhi. When he finally awakens, though, he is the most violent of all Gods and Demigods put together. Bringing about a dark night of the soul you wouldn't imagine.
This is where things get interesting.
The planet ruling Ardra is Rahu. Of course, we all know Rahu is no planet at all. It's a point in space that brings about eclipses. And what do eclipses, dark nights and storms have in common? They all hide the light, long enough to cast a wide net of illusion, chaos and confusion till you are forced to accept your shortcomings.
That's when the light breaks through.
Transformation and Power of Destruction
So in the end, Ardra is a nakshatra of transformation. An Ardra native is sure to face at least one challenge in their lifetimes. This one challenge is often big enough to permanently change them. And anyone that comes into contact with them, beware. You are sure to be pulled into their void of pain. But do not mistake these tragedies for weaknesses.
Betelgeuse is a star of immense power of destruction. Remember the first rule of creation?
Ardrans are intimidating beings. They have a sharp intellect, and they can use their skills to bring about renewal. Ardra is also known as the Moist One. Just like soil is made fertile after rain, Ardrans bring about regeneration. They can make for great freedom fighters, activists and even house-flippers!
This is also their way of breaking through the great illusion. The challenge here is learning how to let go.
The Challenge of Letting Go
Bereavement, although common, impacts everyone differently. For Ardrans this act of nature would hit them like a ton of bricks. Depression follows a dark night of the soul. Their neighbours may be quick to recover from loss, but for an Ardran, grief would last half a lifetime.
Domestic violence survivors will tell you; the decision to let go was the hardest part of the whole process, sometimes even more than the violence itself. Tragic as it is, when an Ardra native experiences a big life event the one problem they repeatedly encounter is convincing themselves to let it be and walk away.
Sometimes the illusion is too big a bully to beat. Some things cannot be revived from ruin. More importantly it's not meant to be saved. Nature created it just as everything else. It's an off-tune beat dancing to the music of the demigods.
Walk away, friend. The light is not that far away.
The Paradox of Ardra
But Ardrans are paradoxically remarkable creatures, who are often so lost in the great illusion they fail to see that the perpetrators were once victims too. Why choose the demigods at all? Our shadows appear to us to show us that the Sun too can be cruel.
Whatever philosophical view is finally taken on this, transformation for an Ardran native is certain. A part of their life is so painful, it defines them. The natives cannot help but shine a light on it for other people to see. Ardrans can experience poverty, malice and greed. There is jealousy, chaos, rumors and possessiveness inherent in some of their relationships. Most people would rather flee from such distress. But rejecting a part of themselves would alienate an Ardran even more.
Symbolism of the Teardrop
That is when the symbol of Ardra is most potent. The teardrop symbolises pain, yes, but also relief. Once the emotion is released, much like Rudra's howl, the natives feel like they can let things pass after all.
The second part of their lives get easier. They become highly resilient beings who know how to make use of their lessons to help others. But do not expect free love and light from an Ardran. They help by bringing you into direct contact with your own shadow. And you won't be able to escape it when they decide to become a mirror to your soul.
Historically famous psychologists, neuroscientists, researchers, counselors, musicians and artists who have left behind legacies of work that are serving society even today are sure to have Ardra prominent in their charts.
Dual Nature of Ardra
Rahu is their ruling planet. Mercury rules over their sign. And Rudra having both male and female components all refer to the dual nature of this nakshatra. The lesson is being able to integrate polarity.
That's their soul mission on planet Earth. Once they learn this lesson by channeling all their repressed rage towards healing, they are a force to be reckoned with. And everyone that distanced themselves from these natives for fear of becoming them, is now a friend.
How tunes change quickly.
The Secrets of Betelguese
Betelgeuse is a lesser-known star in the Orion constellation but nevertheless connected with the ancient Egyptian Gods Isis and Osiris. Beings of this dimension belong to the realms lower than that of Earth and can be reptilian in nature. Their destructive side cannot manifest so easily on Earth unless there has been some foul play. Beings that do make it to this planet, often face tragedy at least once. They must come face to face with their nature or perish.
Just like Earth reptilians, the natives can have immense physical strength, a scaly attitude and much stamina. They also have wealth. The purpose of this nakshatra is 'Kama' or material enjoyment. Thus, they can be highly sexual and opportunistic.
Misunderstood Nature
Many have long said that reptilians are misunderstood creatures.
They have a deep insecurity that often gets unnoticed. In their DNA they are aware of society's hate for their kind. So they hide away their needs. Repressed emotions result in troubling mood swings and this makes for a disastrous combination.
They can feel unworthy and incomplete on their own. They often need support but fail to show it. So they seek sexual conquests to fill this gap. Can you see the problem with this plan? Whoever said repressed rage was a trait they wanted in their loved one.
They can seem melancholy and uninterested in their approach to life. Yet they have sharp intellects and a cutting tongue. You won't win over them in a battle of swords or words. On the flip side, the natives do not realise that the storm is already within them. Intuitively they are seeking this chaos for themselves, so they may encounter their own shadows. Taking responsibility for them will be their salvation.
Influence of Rahu
Although, Rahu's influence doesn't relent. He eclipses the essence of the house it's placed in creating the perfect bait. Relationships can be obsessive, and they can frog-leap from one opportunity to another, constantly seeking stimulation to the point of overdrive.
They can be easily dissatisfied and yet they crave isolation in the most inopportune moments. Addictions and unusual ideologies follow Ardrans around. Some natives may discover they have ADHD, and others may develop similar traits later. There is most definitely rebellion and karma associated with this nakshatra.
Quest for the Unknown
Rahu gives them a craving for all things foreign, this makes them interesting to others and can also be the cause for suspicious first impressions. What is seen on the outside is not what is simmering away inside. What people won't understand is that a storm is brewing for a major karmic cleansing.
Destruction through the act of non-destruction is their karmic path forward into the light. Practicing non-violence physically, emotionally and spiritually is the biggest remedy for an Ardran native. This is where they will find true happiness.
This is where they will find the light.
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